class RDoc::Comment

A comment holds the text comment for a RDoc::CodeObject and provides a unified way of cleaning it up and parsing it into an RDoc::Markup::Document.

Each comment may have a different markup format set by format=. By default ‘rdoc’ is used. The :markup: directive tells RDoc which format to use.

See Directive for Specifying RDoc Source Format at RDoc::MarkupReference.


document [W]

Overrides the content returned by parse. Use when there is no text source for this comment

file [RW]

The RDoc::TopLevel this comment was found in

format [R]

The format of this comment. Defaults to RDoc::Markup

line [RW]

Line where this Comment was written

location [RW]

The RDoc::TopLevel this comment was found in

text [R]

The text for this comment

to_s [R]

The text for this comment

Public Class Methods

new (text = nil, location = nil, language = nil)

Creates a new comment with text that is found in the RDoc::TopLevel location.

# File lib/rdoc/comment.rb, line 56
def initialize text = nil, location = nil, language = nil
  @location = location
  @text     = text.nil? ? nil : text.dup
  @language = language

  @document   = nil
  @format     = 'rdoc'
  @normalized = false

Public Instance Methods

empty? ()

A comment is empty if its text String is empty.

# File lib/rdoc/comment.rb, line 128
def empty?
encode! (encoding)

HACK dubious

# File lib/rdoc/comment.rb, line 135
def encode! encoding
  @text = @text, encoding: encoding
extract_call_seq (method)

Look for a ‘call-seq’ in the comment to override the normal parameter handling. The :call-seq: is indented from the baseline. All lines of the same indentation level and prefix are consumed.

For example, all of the following will be used as the :call-seq:

# :call-seq:
#   ARGF.readlines(sep=$/)     -> array
#   ARGF.readlines(limit)      -> array
#   ARGF.readlines(sep, limit) -> array
#   ARGF.to_a(sep=$/)     -> array
#   ARGF.to_a(limit)      -> array
#   ARGF.to_a(sep, limit) -> array
# File lib/rdoc/comment.rb, line 95
def extract_call_seq method
  # we must handle situations like the above followed by an unindented first
  # comment.  The difficulty is to make sure not to match lines starting
  # with ARGF at the same indent, but that are after the first description
  # paragraph.
  if /^(?<S> ((?!\n)\s)*+        (?# whitespaces except newline))
         (?<B> \g<S>(?<N>\n|\z)  (?# trailing spaces))?
           (?<H> \g<S>\w+        (?# ' #   ARGF' in the example above))
         (\g<S>\S.*\g<N>         (?# other non-blank line))*+
         (\g<B>+(\k<H>.*\g<N>    (?# ARGF.to_a lines))++)*+
      /x =~ @text
    seq = $~[:seq]

    all_start, all_stop = $~.offset(0)
    @text.slice! all_start...all_stop

    seq.gsub!(/^\s*/, '')
    method.call_seq = seq

format= (format)

Sets the format of this comment and resets any parsed document

# File lib/rdoc/comment.rb, line 143
def format= format
  @format = format
  @document = nil
normalize ()

Normalizes the text. See RDoc::Text#normalize_comment for details

# File lib/rdoc/comment.rb, line 157
def normalize
  return self unless @text
  return self if @normalized # TODO eliminate duplicate normalization

  @text = normalize_comment @text

  @normalized = true

parse ()

Parses the comment into an RDoc::Markup::Document. The parsed document is cached until the text is changed.

Calls superclass method RDoc::Text#parse
# File lib/rdoc/comment.rb, line 179
def parse
  return @document if @document

  @document = super @text, @format
  @document.file = @location
remove_private ()

Removes private sections from this comment. Private sections are flush to the comment marker and start with -- and end with ++. For C-style comments, a private marker may not start at the opening of the comment.

 * private
 * public
# File lib/rdoc/comment.rb, line 200
def remove_private
  # Workaround for gsub encoding for Ruby 1.9.2 and earlier
  empty = ''
  empty = RDoc::Encoding.change_encoding empty, @text.encoding

  @text = @text.gsub(%r%^\s*([#*]?)--.*?^\s*(\1)\+\+\n?%m, empty)
  @text = @text.sub(%r%^\s*[#*]?--.*%m, '')
text= (text)

Replaces this comment’s text with text and resets the parsed document.

An error is raised if the comment contains a document but no text.

# File lib/rdoc/comment.rb, line 214
def text= text
  raise RDoc::Error, 'replacing document-only comment is not allowed' if
    @text.nil? and @document

  @document = nil
  @text = text.nil? ? nil : text.dup
tomdoc? ()

Returns true if this comment is in TomDoc format.

# File lib/rdoc/comment.rb, line 225
def tomdoc?
  @format == 'tomdoc'