class Socket::UDPSource

UDP/IP address information used by Socket.udp_server_loop.


local_address [R]

Local address

remote_address [R]

Address of the source

Public Class Methods

new (remote_address, local_address, &reply_proc)

remote_address is an Addrinfo object.

local_address is an Addrinfo object.

reply_proc is a Proc used to send reply back to the source.

# File ext/socket/lib/socket.rb, line 1451
def initialize(remote_address, local_address, &reply_proc)
  @remote_address = remote_address
  @local_address = local_address
  @reply_proc = reply_proc

Public Instance Methods

reply (msg)

Sends the String msg to the source

# File ext/socket/lib/socket.rb, line 1468
def reply(msg) msg