class Reline::Config
Public Class Methods
# File lib/reline/config.rb, line 31 def initialize reset_variables end
Public Instance Methods
# File lib/reline/config.rb, line 162 def add_default_key_binding(keystroke, target) add_default_key_binding_by_keymap(@keymap_label, keystroke, target) end
# File lib/reline/config.rb, line 158 def add_default_key_binding_by_keymap(keymap, keystroke, target) @default_key_bindings[keymap].add(keystroke, target) end
# File lib/reline/config.rb, line 147 def add_oneshot_key_binding(keystroke, target) # IRB sets invalid keystroke [Reline::Key]. We should ignore it. return unless keystroke.all? { |c| c.is_a?(Integer) } @oneshot_key_bindings.add(keystroke, target) end
# File lib/reline/config.rb, line 314 def bind_key(key, value) keystroke, func = parse_key_binding(key, value) @additional_key_bindings[@keymap_label].add(@keymap_prefix + keystroke, func) if keystroke end
# File lib/reline/config.rb, line 247 def bind_variable(name, value, raw_value) case name when 'history-size' begin @history_size = Integer(value) rescue ArgumentError @history_size = 500 end when 'isearch-terminators' @isearch_terminators = retrieve_string(raw_value) when 'editing-mode' case value when 'emacs' @editing_mode_label = :emacs @keymap_label = :emacs @keymap_prefix = [] when 'vi' @editing_mode_label = :vi_insert @keymap_label = :vi_insert @keymap_prefix = [] end when 'keymap' case value when 'emacs', 'emacs-standard' @keymap_label = :emacs @keymap_prefix = [] when 'emacs-ctlx' @keymap_label = :emacs @keymap_prefix = [?\C-x.ord] when 'emacs-meta' @keymap_label = :emacs @keymap_prefix = [?\e.ord] when 'vi', 'vi-move', 'vi-command' @keymap_label = :vi_command @keymap_prefix = [] when 'vi-insert' @keymap_label = :vi_insert @keymap_prefix = [] end when 'keyseq-timeout' @keyseq_timeout = value.to_i when 'show-mode-in-prompt' case value when 'off' @show_mode_in_prompt = false when 'on' @show_mode_in_prompt = true else @show_mode_in_prompt = false end when 'vi-cmd-mode-string' @vi_cmd_mode_string = retrieve_string(raw_value) when 'vi-ins-mode-string' @vi_ins_mode_string = retrieve_string(raw_value) when 'emacs-mode-string' @emacs_mode_string = retrieve_string(raw_value) when *VARIABLE_NAMES then variable_name = :"@#{, ?_)}" instance_variable_set(variable_name, value.nil? || value == '1' || value == 'on') end end
# File lib/reline/config.rb, line 72 def editing_mode @default_key_bindings[@editing_mode_label] end
# File lib/reline/config.rb, line 76 def editing_mode=(val) @editing_mode_label = val end
# File lib/reline/config.rb, line 80 def editing_mode_is?(*val) val.any?(@editing_mode_label) end
# File lib/reline/config.rb, line 212 def handle_directive(directive, file, no, if_stack) directive, args = directive.split(' ') case directive when 'if' condition = false case args when /^mode=(vi|emacs)$/i mode = $1.downcase # NOTE: mode=vi means vi-insert mode mode = 'vi_insert' if mode == 'vi' if @editing_mode_label == mode.to_sym condition = true end when 'term' when 'version' else # application name condition = true if args == 'Ruby' condition = true if args == 'Reline' end if_stack << [no, !condition] when 'else' if if_stack.empty? raise InvalidInputrc, "#{file}:#{no}: unmatched else" end if_stack.last[1] = !if_stack.last[1] when 'endif' if if_stack.empty? raise InvalidInputrc, "#{file}:#{no}: unmatched endif" end if_stack.pop when 'include' read(File.expand_path(args)) end end
# File lib/reline/config.rb, line 92 def inputrc_path case ENV['INPUTRC'] when nil, '' else return File.expand_path(ENV['INPUTRC']) end # In the XDG Specification, if ~/.config/readline/inputrc exists, then # ~/.inputrc should not be read, but for compatibility with GNU Readline, # if ~/.inputrc exists, then it is given priority. home_rc_path = File.expand_path('~/.inputrc') return home_rc_path if File.exist?(home_rc_path) case path = ENV['XDG_CONFIG_HOME'] when nil, '' else path = File.join(path, 'readline/inputrc') return path if File.exist?(path) and path == File.expand_path(path) end path = File.expand_path('~/.config/readline/inputrc') return path if File.exist?(path) return home_rc_path end
# File lib/reline/config.rb, line 142 def key_bindings # The key bindings for each editing mode will be overwritten by the user-defined ones.[@oneshot_key_bindings, @additional_key_bindings[@editing_mode_label], @default_key_bindings[@editing_mode_label]]) end
# File lib/reline/config.rb, line 333 def key_notation_to_code(notation) case notation when /(?:\\(?:C|Control)-\\(?:M|Meta)|\\(?:M|Meta)-\\(?:C|Control))-([A-Za-z_])/ [?\e.ord, $1.ord % 32] when /\\(?:C|Control)-([A-Za-z_])/ ($1.upcase.ord % 32) when /\\(?:M|Meta)-([0-9A-Za-z_])/ [?\e.ord, $1.ord] when /\\(\d{1,3})/ then $1.to_i(8) # octal when /\\x(\h{1,2})/ then $1.to_i(16) # hexadecimal when "\\e" then ?\e.ord when "\\\\" then ?\\.ord when "\\\"" then ?".ord when "\\'" then ?'.ord when "\\a" then ?\a.ord when "\\b" then ?\b.ord when "\\d" then ?\d.ord when "\\f" then ?\f.ord when "\\n" then ?\n.ord when "\\r" then ?\r.ord when "\\t" then ?\t.ord when "\\v" then ?\v.ord else notation.ord end end
# File lib/reline/config.rb, line 84 def keymap @default_key_bindings[@keymap_label] end
# File lib/reline/config.rb, line 88 def loaded? @loaded end
# File lib/reline/config.rb, line 319 def parse_key_binding(key, func_name) if key =~ /\A"(.*)"\z/ keyseq = parse_keyseq($1) else keyseq = nil end if func_name =~ /"(.*)"/ func = parse_keyseq($1) else func =, ?_).to_sym # It must be macro. end [keyseq, func] end
# File lib/reline/config.rb, line 359 def parse_keyseq(str) str.scan(KEYSEQ_PATTERN).flat_map do |notation| key_notation_to_code(notation) end end
# File lib/reline/config.rb, line 122 def read(file = nil) @loaded = true file ||= default_inputrc_path begin if file.respond_to?(:readlines) lines = file.readlines else lines = File.readlines(file) end rescue Errno::ENOENT return nil end read_lines(lines, file) self rescue InvalidInputrc => e warn e.message nil end
# File lib/reline/config.rb, line 166 def read_lines(lines, file = nil) if not lines.empty? and lines.first.encoding != Reline.encoding_system_needs begin lines = do |l| l.encode(Reline.encoding_system_needs) rescue Encoding::UndefinedConversionError mes = "The inputrc encoded in #{} can't be converted to the locale #{}." raise end end end if_stack = [] lines.each_with_index do |line, no| next if line.match(/\A\s*#/) no += 1 line = line.chomp.lstrip if line.start_with?('$') handle_directive(line[1..-1], file, no, if_stack) next end next if if_stack.any? { |_no, skip| skip } case line when /^set +([^ ]+) +(.+)/i # value ignores everything after a space, raw_value does not. var, value, raw_value = $1.downcase, $2.partition(' ').first, $2 bind_variable(var, value, raw_value) when /^\s*(?:M|Meta)-([a-zA-Z_])\s*:\s*(.*)\s*$/o bind_key("\"\\M-#$1\"", $2) when /^\s*(?:C|Control)-([a-zA-Z_])\s*:\s*(.*)\s*$/o bind_key("\"\\C-#$1\"", $2) when /^\s*(?:(?:C|Control)-(?:M|Meta)|(?:M|Meta)-(?:C|Control))-([a-zA-Z_])\s*:\s*(.*)\s*$/o bind_key("\"\\M-\\C-#$1\"", $2) when /^\s*("#{KEYSEQ_PATTERN}+")\s*:\s*(.*)\s*$/o bind_key($1, $2) end end unless if_stack.empty? raise InvalidInputrc, "#{file}:#{if_stack.last[0]}: unclosed if" end end
# File lib/reline/config.rb, line 365 def reload reset_variables read end
# File lib/reline/config.rb, line 35 def reset if editing_mode_is?(:vi_command) @editing_mode_label = :vi_insert end @oneshot_key_bindings.clear end
# File lib/reline/config.rb, line 154 def reset_oneshot_key_bindings @oneshot_key_bindings.clear end
# File lib/reline/config.rb, line 42 def reset_variables @additional_key_bindings = { # from inputrc emacs:, vi_insert:, vi_command: } @oneshot_key_bindings = @editing_mode_label = :emacs @keymap_label = :emacs @keymap_prefix = [] @default_key_bindings = { emacs:, vi_insert:, vi_command: } @vi_cmd_mode_string = '(cmd)' @vi_ins_mode_string = '(ins)' @emacs_mode_string = '@' # @history_size = -1 # unlimited @keyseq_timeout = 500 @test_mode = false @autocompletion = false @convert_meta = seven_bit_encoding?(Reline::IOGate.encoding) @loaded = false @enable_bracketed_paste = true @show_mode_in_prompt = false @default_inputrc_path = nil end
# File lib/reline/config.rb, line 309 def retrieve_string(str) str = $1 if str =~ /\A"(.*)"\z/ parse_keyseq(str).map { |c| c.chr(Reline.encoding_system_needs) }.join end