class Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::ServiceBinding

Common implementation for SVCB-compatible resource records.


params [R]

The service parameters for the target host.

priority [R]

The priority of this target host.

The range is 0-65535. If set to 0, this RR is in AliasMode. Otherwise, it is in ServiceMode.

target [R]

The domain name of the target host.

Public Class Methods

new (priority, target, params = [])

Create a service binding resource record.

# File lib/resolv.rb, line 2820
def initialize(priority, target, params = [])
  @priority = priority.to_int
  @target = Name.create(target)
  @params =

Public Instance Methods

alias_mode? ()

Whether this RR is in AliasMode.

# File lib/resolv.rb, line 2847
def alias_mode?
  self.priority == 0
service_mode? ()

Whether this RR is in ServiceMode.

# File lib/resolv.rb, line 2854
def service_mode?